Tipografía III: Partes de los carácteres / Typography III: Parts of the characters
Una letra debe tener elementos mediante los cuales sea reconocida. Debemos conocer las distintas partes de las que se compone un carácter tipográfico y reconocer cuales son fundamentales y cuales prescindibles debido a su carácter ornamental.
Por ejemplo, para crear una tipografía ornamental o de fantasía debemos jugar principalmente con los elementos accesorios de una fuente como pueden ser los remates o las colas.
- Fuste, asta o montante: parte principal que define la letra.
- Brazo: parte diagonal u horizontal que sale de un trazo vertical.
- Travesaño o cruz: Línea principal que cruza el trazo principal.
- Bucle o panza: trazo curvo.
- Filete: línea horizontal entre diagonales, verticales o curvas.
- Remate o terminal: pequeño trazo final que no sigue la dirección del trazo principal.
- Lágrima: final de un trazo con forma redondeada.
- Espolón: final de un trazo que no termina en lágrima ni en remate.
- Cola: prolongación inferior.
- Ojal superior e inferior: línea que forma la curvatura en la letra G/g.
- Cuello: línea que une los dos ojales de la g.
- Oreja: terminación de algunas letras como la r o la g.
A letter must have elements by which it is recognized. We must know the different parts that compose a typeface which are fundamental and recognize which are expendable due to their ornamental character.
For example, to create ornamental or fancy fonts we must play mainly with the accessories from a font such as auctions or queues.
For example, to create ornamental or fancy fonts we must play mainly with the accessories from a font such as auctions or queues.
* Fuste, rod or stud: main part that defines the letter.
* Arm: diagonal or horizontal part out of a vertical stroke.
* Sill or tails: Main Line crossing the main stroke.
* Loop or belly, curved stroke.
* Fillet: horizontal line between diagonal, vertical or curved.
* Shooting or terminal: small final stroke that does not follow the direction of the main stroke.
* Tear: end of a stroke with a rounded shape.
* Ram: end of a stroke that does not end in tear or in auction.
* Tail: lower extension.
* Grommet top and bottom: the curvature line forming the letter G/g.
* Neck: line joining the two eyes of g.
* Ear: completion of some letters such as the r or g.
* Arm: diagonal or horizontal part out of a vertical stroke.
* Sill or tails: Main Line crossing the main stroke.
* Loop or belly, curved stroke.
* Fillet: horizontal line between diagonal, vertical or curved.
* Shooting or terminal: small final stroke that does not follow the direction of the main stroke.
* Tear: end of a stroke with a rounded shape.
* Ram: end of a stroke that does not end in tear or in auction.
* Tail: lower extension.
* Grommet top and bottom: the curvature line forming the letter G/g.
* Neck: line joining the two eyes of g.
* Ear: completion of some letters such as the r or g.
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