Definiciones para un creativo (4) / Definitions for a creative (4)
Reproducción de un manuscrito o de un dibujo.
Reproducción de un manuscrito o de un dibujo.
Fe de erratas:
Lista de errores que se han encontrado en una obra impresa, ya sea un libro, una revista o cualquier publicación editorial.
Prueba que se hace en imprenta antes de la impresión definitiva para poder hacer una última corrección. Se realiza poniendo en contacto la película con un papel emulsionado
que posteriormente será revelado. Se realiza en un solo color ( marrón,
rojo, negro o azul)
Se denomina así en imprenta a un tipo de impresión en rotativa en la
que en la plancha va el relieve lo que debe imprimirse. es muy utilizado
para imprimir los textos e imágenes de las cajas de cartón.
Folio ciego:
Página de un documento que no lleva impreso el número de página pero que si se cuenta para el cómputo final de hojas.
En imprenta se denomina así al proceso de separación en los cuatro
colores que componen una cuatricromía para obtener un positivo de cada
color para realizar posteriormente las planchas de cada uno para la
Free Lance:
Término inglés utilizado en castellano para denominar a los profesionales que realizan su actividad de forma independiente.
Denominada así la portada de un libro, aunque también hay quien
denomina así a la contracubierta cuando lleva una orla o filigrana. Por extensión se ha pasado a llamar también frontispicio al texto que hay al comienzo de cada capítulo.
Fuente PI:
Se denomina así en tipografía a aquellas fuentes que contienen símbolos matemáticos.
Reproduction of a manuscript or drawing.
List of bugs that have been found in a printed work, be it a book, magazine or other publication editorial.
Test done in print before the final print to make a final correction. It's performed by contacting the film with an emulsified paper that later will be revealed. It is performed in one color (brown, red, black or blue)
It is named in print to a kind of rotary printing in which the plate is the relief you need printed. is used to print text and images of the cartons.
Blind folio:Page of a document that is printed with the page number but if you account for the final tally sheet.
In press is named after the separation process in the four CMYK colors that make a positive for one of each color for later plates each for printing.
Free Lance:
English term used to denote professionals that carry out their work independently.
Named the cover of a book, although there who name given to the back cover when you carry a border or watermark. By extension it has come to also call frontispiece to the text to the beginning of each chapter.
Source IP:
Is named in typography sources that contain mathematical symbols.
Reproduction of a manuscript or drawing.
List of bugs that have been found in a printed work, be it a book, magazine or other publication editorial.
Test done in print before the final print to make a final correction. It's performed by contacting the film with an emulsified paper that later will be revealed. It is performed in one color (brown, red, black or blue)
It is named in print to a kind of rotary printing in which the plate is the relief you need printed. is used to print text and images of the cartons.
Blind folio:Page of a document that is printed with the page number but if you account for the final tally sheet.
In press is named after the separation process in the four CMYK colors that make a positive for one of each color for later plates each for printing.
Free Lance:
English term used to denote professionals that carry out their work independently.
Named the cover of a book, although there who name given to the back cover when you carry a border or watermark. By extension it has come to also call frontispiece to the text to the beginning of each chapter.
Source IP:
Is named in typography sources that contain mathematical symbols.
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