Definiciones para un creativo (1) / Definitions for a creative (1)
Acordeón / Accordion |
Término que se utiliza en artes gráficas e imprenta para definir
aquellos procesos que se realizan tras la impresión. Por ejemplo se
denominan así el encuadernado, el barnizado, el plastificado o el
Acordeón / en acordeón
Tipo de plegado que se usa en el diseño de folletos, dípticos,
trípticos o polípticos impresos. Se caracteriza por plegarse a imitación
del instrumento musical que lleva el mismo nombre.
Palabra que está formada por las letras de las iniciales de un
término compuesto y que sirve para hacer el nombre más corto. Por
ejemplo: DNI ( Documento Nacional de Identidad).
En diseño editorial se denomina así a las notas adicionales que se añaden al final del libro.
En publicidad se denomina así al “cartel”, se trata de una palabra
proveniente del francés que se adaptado al castellano, lo que también se
denomina galicismo.
En diseño editorial es denominado así el espacio blanco que se deja en una página.
Es también un término utilizado en dibujo y pintura para aquellas
zona del lienzo o papel donde no se sitúa ningún objeto y por lo tanto
queda como parte del fondo de la obra.
Tipo de libro en el que las ilustraciones van separadas del cuerpo de la obra.
En artes gráficas se usa este término para denominar al color amarillo.
En artes gráficas, se trata de la comprobación del orden correcto de
los pliegos o de las publicaciones antes de su encuadernado.
A term used in graphic arts and printing to define processes that are performed after printing. For example are called thus the binding, varnishing, lamination or folding.
Accordion / in accordion
Folding type used in the design of brochures, leaflets, brochures or printed polyptychs. It is characterized by folded in imitation of the musical instrument that bears the same name.
Word that is formed by the letters of the initials of a compound term and which serves to make the name shorter.
Editorial design is named to the additional notes are added at the end of the book.
In advertising is named thus the "cartel".
Editorial design is named after the white space left on a page. It is also a term used in drawing and painting for those area where the canvas or paper is not placed any object and thus remains part of the background of the work.
Kind of book where the illustrations are separated from the body of the work.
In graphic arts is used this term to refer to the color yellow.
In graphic arts, it is checking the correct order of the statements or publications prior to binding.
A term used in graphic arts and printing to define processes that are performed after printing. For example are called thus the binding, varnishing, lamination or folding.
Accordion / in accordion
Folding type used in the design of brochures, leaflets, brochures or printed polyptychs. It is characterized by folded in imitation of the musical instrument that bears the same name.
Word that is formed by the letters of the initials of a compound term and which serves to make the name shorter.
Editorial design is named to the additional notes are added at the end of the book.
In advertising is named thus the "cartel".
Editorial design is named after the white space left on a page. It is also a term used in drawing and painting for those area where the canvas or paper is not placed any object and thus remains part of the background of the work.
Kind of book where the illustrations are separated from the body of the work.
In graphic arts is used this term to refer to the color yellow.
In graphic arts, it is checking the correct order of the statements or publications prior to binding.
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